DWAPI- HIV Care & Treatment tables

HIV Care and Treatment services:

Data is transferred to DWAPI Central Database tables

i) Patient Extract

Column/Variable Name DataType Required Description Examples
PatientPK INT Mandatory EMR Internal System generated Unique Patient Identifier 34
SiteCode INT Mandatory Facility MFLCode 13023
PatientID NVARCHAR Mandatory Patient CCC Number 1302500001
FacilityID INT Code for satellite facilities. If Site is not a satellite, this value should be equal to SiteCode 13025
SatelliteName NVARCHAR Facility Name for satelitte facilities. If Site does not have satelitte; this should be the facility name
Emr NVARCHAR The EMR used to capture the patient record e.g. IQCare, KenyaEMR, OPENMRS, AMRS IQCare/ KenyaEMR/ OPENMRS/ AMRS
Project NVARCHAR The Project that Implemented the EMR HMIS/AMPATH/ EDARP
FacilityName NVARCHAR Facility Name as entered in KHMFL Websites Kenyatta National Hospital
Gender NVARCHAR Gender of the Patient (Specified as Male or Female) Male / Female
DOB DATETIME2 Date of birth of the Patient DDMMYYYY 15/12/1990
RegistrationDate DATETIME2 Mandatory Date Patient was registered in the EMR at the Facility DDMMYYYY 13/02/2012
RegistrationAtCCC DATETIME2 Mandatory Date Patient was enrolled into HIV Care. DDMMYYYY 13/02/2012
RegistrationAtPMTCT DATETIME2 Date Registered at PMTCT Clinic DDMMYYYY 13/06/2014
RegistrationAtTBClinic DATETIME2 Date Registered at the TB Clinic DDMMYYYY 23/08/2019
PatientSource NVARCHAR Patient Entry Point VCT/OPD/IPD/MCH/PMTCT
Region NVARCHAR Region as per the former kenya provinces Nairobi/ Rift Valley/ Coast/ North Eastern/ Nyanza
District NVARCHAR District/County from where patient hails from ( From the 47 Counties) Nairobi/ Kisumu/ Uasin Gishu/ Mandera
Village NVARCHAR SubCounty/Location from where the patient hails from Dagorreti South/ Bomet Central/ Borabu
ContactRelation NVARCHAR Relationship between the patient and the person listed as their emergency contact / Next of Kin Parent/ Friend/ Spouse/ Sibling
LastVisit DATETIME2 Patient last clinical or drug pickup in the EMR (whichever is greater) 03-10-20
MaritalStatus NVARCHAR Marital Status of the patient Married Monogamous/ Married Polygamous/ Separated/Divorced/Single
EducationLevel NVARCHAR The Education level of the patient Primary/Secondary School/University/Others
DateConfirmedHIVPositive DATETIME2 Date when the patient was confirmed HIV Positive 13/12/2010
PreviousARTExposure NVARCHAR ART Regimen that Patient was on if Patient was TI and had started ART at former facility TDF+3TC+DTG Or AZT+3TC+NVP Or TDF+3TC+LPV/r
PreviousARTStartDate DATETIME2 Date Patient Started ART, if Patient was TI and had started ART at former facility 23/12/2011
StatusAtCCC NVARCHAR Active/Inactive at CCC Active / Inactive
StatusAtPMTCT NVARCHAR Active/Inactive at PMTCT Active / Inactive
StatusAtTBClinic NVARCHAR Active/Inactive at TB Active / Inactive
Inschool NVARCHAR Whether the child is in school or not (Yes/No) Yes/No
KeyPopulationType NVARCHAR Type of Key Pop (MSM,FSW,IDU etc) MSM/FSW/PWID
Orphan NVARCHAR If Child is orphaned or not (Yes/ No) Yes/No
PatientResidentCounty NVARCHAR Patient’s Resident County Nairobi/ Kisumu/ Uasin Gishu/ Mandera
PatientResidentLocation NVARCHAR Patient’s Resident Location
PatientResidentSubCounty NVARCHAR Patient’s Resident Sub County Dagorreti South/ Bomet Central/ Borabu
PatientResidentSubLocation NVARCHAR Patient’s Resident Sub location
PatientResidentVillage NVARCHAR Patient’s Resident Village
PatientResidentWard NVARCHAR Patient’s Resident Ward
PatientType NVARCHAR Patient Type at Enrollment (New, Transfer-In, Transit) New / Transfer-In / Transit
PopulationType NVARCHAR Populaton Type (General Population or Key population) General population / Key Population
TransferInDate DATETIME2 Date when the patient transferred in 02-03-12


ii) Patient ART Extract

Column/Variable Name DataType Required Description Examples
PatientPK INT Mandatory EMR Internal System generated Unique Patient Identifier 34
SiteCode NVARCHAR Mandatory Facility MFL code 13023
PatientID NVARCHAR Mandatory Patient CCC Number 1302500001
FacilityID INT Code for satellite facilities. If Site is not a satellite, this value should be equal to SiteCode 13025
Emr NVARCHAR The EMR used to capture the patient record e.g. IQCare, KenyaEMR, OPenMRS, AMRS IQCare/ KenyaEMR/ OPENMRS/ AMRS
Project NVARCHAR The Project that Implemented the EMR(e.g HMIS,CRISSP, KARP) HMIS/AMPATH/ EDARP
FacilityName NVARCHAR Facility Name Kenyatta National Hospital
DOB DATETIME2 Date of birth of the Patient DDMMYYYY 25/12/1976
AgeEnrollment DECIMAL(5,1) Age at Enrollment into the Comprehensive Care Clinic: Calculated as (EnrollmentDate – DOB)
AgeARTStart DECIMAL(5,1) Age when patient was started on ART: Calculated DOB – StartArtDate
AgeLastVisit DECIMAL(5,1) Age when patient last visited facility Calculated LastVisitDate – DOB
RegistrationDate DATETIME2 Date Patient was enrolled into HIV Care. 13/03/2016
PatientSource NVARCHAR Where the patient was reffered from VCT/OPD/IPD/MCH
Gender NVARCHAR Gender of the patient(Specified as Male or Female) Male/Female
StartARTDate NVARCHAR Mandatory Date Patient was initiated/started on ARVs. If Ti, this should be equal to Previous ART Start Date 18/10/2015
PreviousARTStartDate DATETIME2 Date Patient Started ART, if Patient was TI and had started ART at former facility 18/10/2015
PreviousARTRegimen NVARCHAR ART Regimen that Patient was on if Patient was TI and had started ART at former facility D4T+3TC+NVP or TDF+3TC+ATV/r
StartARTAtThisFacility DATETIME2 Date Started on ART at this Facility. 18/09/2018
StartRegimen NVARCHAR First ARV Regimen a patient was started on at this facility D4T+3TC+NVP or TDF+3TC+ATV/r
StartRegimenLine NVARCHAR Regimen line for first ART regimen a patient was started on FirstLine, SecondLine, ThirdLine, FirstLine Substitute, PMTCT Regimens
LastARTDate DATETIME2 Last Date a patient was issued with ARVs 03-10-20
LastRegimen NVARCHAR Last ART Regimen issued to a patient TDF+3TC+DTG or AZT+3TC+EFV
LastRegimenLine NVARCHAR Last ART Regimen Line for last ART Regimen issued to patient FirstLine, SecondLine, ThirdLine, FirstLine Substitute, PMTCT Regimens
Duration DECIMAL(5,1) Number of Days Last ARVs were dispensed for. 14,30, 60, 90
ExpectedReturn DATETIME2 Expected Date of Return (Drug pick up + duration of drugs) OR TCA 30/4/2020
Provider NVARCHAR Provider of ARVs – Default = Government Government
LastVisit DATETIME2 Patient last encounter either clinical or drug pickup whichever is greater 03-10-20
ExitReason NVARCHAR Reason for termination – The final termination status Dead/LTFU/Transfer Out
ExitDate DATETIME2 Very last date of HIV Care termination event 13/3/2020


iii) Patient Visits Extracts

Column/Variable Name DataType Required Description Examples
PatientPK INT (8) Mandatory EMR Internal System generated Unique Patient Identifier 34
SiteCode NVARCHAR Mandatory Facility MFL Code 13023
PatientID NVARCHAR Mandatory Patient CCC Number 1302500001
FacilityID INT Code for satellite facilities. If Site is not a satellite, this value should be equal to SiteCode 13025
Emr NVARCHAR The EMR used to capture the patient record e.g. IQCare, KenyaEMR, OPenMRS, AMRS IQCare/ KenyaEMR/ OPENMRS/ AMRS
Project NVARCHAR The Project that Implemented the EMR(e.g HMIS,CRISSP, KARP) HMIS/AMPATH/ EDARP
FacilityName NVARCHAR Facility Name Kenyatta National Hospital
VisitID INT (8) Mandatory EMR System generated Visit ID – Unique for each visit in system 18-10-33
VisitDate DATETIME2 The Date of the Clinical Visit 13/2/2020
Service NVARCHAR The service given during the visit ART/
VisitType NVARCHAR The visit type of this visit Scheduled/Unscheduled
WHOStage INT (8) The WHO Stage at the visit 1,2,3,4
WABStage NVARCHAR Current patient WAB Stage Deprecated Field should contain NULL
FamilyPlanningMethod NVARCHAR Family Planning method that a patient is on
Pregnant NVARCHAR Pregnancy status at this visit (Yes,No,Null) Yes, No,NULL
LMP DATETIME2 Last Menstral Period Date 13/2/2020
EDD DATETIME2 Expected Date of Delivery if Pregnant 13/12/2020
GestationAge DECIMAL In Weeks Calculated = LMP – VisitDate
Height DECIMAL Height of the patient (cm) 180
Weight DECIMAL Weight of the Patient (kg) 67
BP NVARCHAR Blood Pressure of the Patient 101/61
OI NVARCHAR Opportunistic Infection Present during visit TB |
OIDate DATETIME2 Opportunistic Infection Date 13/2/2020
Adherence NVARCHAR Adherence Level (can be good or bad) Good, Bad , Fair
AdherenceCategory NVARCHAR The Category of Adherence (ARV) ARV Adherence
PopulationType NVARCHAR Populaton Type General Population or Key population
KeyPopulationType NVARCHAR Type of Key Population MSM,FSW,PWID
PwP NVARCHAR Prevention With Positives Provided with condoms | Screened for STI
SubstitutionFirstlineRegimenDate DATETIME2 Date of First Line Regimen Substitution
SubstitutionFirstlineRegimenReason NVARCHAR Reason for Substtition from first line regimen
SubstitutionSecondlineRegimenDate DATETIME2 Date of Second Line Regimen Substitution
SubstitutionSecondlineRegimenReason NVARCHAR Reason for Substtition from second line regimen
SecondlineRegimenChangeDate DATETIME2 Date of Change to Second Line Regimen
SecondlineRegimenChangeReason NVARCHAR Therapy Change Reason
NextAppointmentDate DATETIME2 Date of the next appointment as recorded during this visit 13/6/2020
DifferentiatedCare NVARCHAR Model of Care Express / Community Based Dispensing / Standard Care
StabilityAssessment NVARCHAR Stability assessment of the patient (Stable/Unstable) Stable / Unstable


iv) Patient Pharmacy Extract

Column/Variable Name DataType Required Description Examples
PatientPK INT Mandatory EMR Internal System generated Unique Patient Identifier 34
SiteCode INT Mandatory Facility MFL Code 13023
PatientID NVARCHAR Mandatory Patient CCC Number 1302500001
FacilityID INT Code for satellite facilities. If Site is not a satellite, this value should be equal to SiteCode 13025
Emr NVARCHAR The EMR used to capture the patient record e.g. IQCare, KenyaEMR, OPenMRS, AMRS IQCare/ KenyaEMR/ OPENMRS/ AMRS
Project NVARCHAR The Project that Implemented the EMR(e.g HMIS,CRISSP, KARP) HMIS/AMPATH/ EDARP
FacilityName NVARCHAR Facility Name Kenyatta National Hospital
VisitID INT Mandatory EMR System generated Visit ID – Unique for each visit in system
Drug NVARCHAR The specific Drug administered TDF+3TC+EFV | TDF+3TC+LPV/r | Cotrimoxazole | Dapsone | Sulfa Tx
Provider NVARCHAR Provider of ARVs – Default to Government Government
DispenseDate DATETIME2 Date drug was dispensed 03-12-20
Duration NUMERIC(24,2) Number of days prescribed for the Drug 90
ExpectedReturn DATETIME2 Expected Return to the pharmacy (Prescribed Date + Duration) 06-12-20
TreatmentType NVARCHAR Treatment type given for each Drug Prophylaxis (If Drug dispensed = Cotrioxazole or Dapsone
ART if Drug dispensed = ARV Medication
PMTCT if ARVs dispensed for PMTCT Mothers
Regimen Line NVARCHAR Regimen Line for the ARVs issued. FirstLine, SecondLine, ThirdLine, FirstLine Substitute, PMTCT Regimens
PeriodTaken NVARCHAR Period when ARV treatment was taken (If PMTCT Regimen are dispensed) During Pregnancy | Labor | Post Natal
ProphylaxisType NVARCHAR The Prophylaxis Type given Cotrimoxazole (CTX) ,Fluconazole,Dapsone,INH


v) Patient Labs Extract

Column/Variable Name DataType Required Description Examples
PatientPK INT Mandatory EMR Internal System generated Unique Patient Identifier 34
SiteCode INT Mandatory Facility MFL Code. 13023
PatientID NVARCHAR Mandatory Patient CCC Number 1302500001
FacilityID INT Code for satellite facilities. If Site is not a satellite, this value should be equal to SiteCode 13025
Emr NVARCHAR The EMR used to capture the patient record e.g. IQCare, KenyaEMR, OPenMRS, AMRS IQCare/ KenyaEMR/ OPENMRS/ AMRS
Project NVARCHAR The Project that Implemented the EMR(e.g HMIS,CRISSP, KARP) HMIS/AMPATH/ EDARP
FacilityName NVARCHAR Facility Name. Kenyatta National Hospital
SatelliteName NVARCHAR Satellite Facility Name for the satelitte ID supplied under FacilityID (or NULL) Ahadi dispensary
VisitID INT Mandatory EMR System generated Visit ID – Unique for each visit in system
OrderedbyDate DATETIME2 Date Lab request was ordered / sample was taken 13/01/2020
ReportedbyDate DATETIME2 Date when lab test results were received 23/01/2020
TestName NVARCHAR Lab test that was requested CD4 | Viral load | HB
EnrollmentTest Deprecated Field should contain NULL
TestResult NVARCHAR Results for test that was ordered
Reason NVARCHAR Reason why the lab test was requested Baseline | Routine |


vi) Patient Status Extract

Column/Variable Name DataType Required Description Examples
PatientPK INT Mandatory EMR Internal System generated Unique Patient Identifier 34
SiteCode INT Mandatory Facility MFL Code 13023
PatientID NVARCHAR Mandatory Patient CCC Number 1302500001
FacilityID INT Code for satellite facilities. If Site is not a satellite, this value should be equal to SiteCode 13025
Emr NVARCHAR The EMR used to capture the patient record e.g. IQCare, KenyaEMR, OPenMRS, AMRS IQCare/ KenyaEMR/ OPENMRS/ AMRS
Project NVARCHAR The Project that Implemented the EMR(e.g HMIS,CRISSP, KARP) HMIS/AMPATH/ EDARP
FacilityName NVARCHAR Mandatory Facility Name Kenyatta National Hospital
ExitDescription NVARCHAR Exit Description NULL
ExitDate DATETIME2 Date of HIV Care termination event (Date of Death, Transfer Out date or Documented LTFU date) 31/05/2020
ExitReason NVARCHAR Reason for termination Dead | LTFU | Transfer Out


vii) Patient Adverse Events

Column/Variable Name DataType Required Description Examples
PatientPK INT Mandatory EMR Internal System generated Unique Patient Identifier 34
SiteCode INT Mandatory Facility MFL Code 13023
PatientID NVARCHAR Mandatory Patient CCC Number 1302500001
FacilityID INT Code for satellite facilities. If Site is not a satellite, this value should be equal to SiteCode 13025
EMR NVARCHAR The EMR that captured the patient record IQCare/ KenyaEMR/ OPENMRS/ AMRS
Project NVARCHAR The Project that Implemented the EMR(e.g HMIS,CRISSP, KARP) HMIS/AMPATH/ EDARP
AdverseEvent NVARCHAR Description of Adverse event Burning, Tingling, Dizziness, Rash
AdverseEventStartDate DATETIME2 Date when the adverse event started 13/05/2020
AdverseEventEndDate DATETIME2 Date when the adverse event ended 18/09/2020
Severity NVARCHAR This provides the options for severety Mild,moderate , Severe, Fatal
VisitDate DATETIME2 Date when patient visited the facility for adverse event evaluation. 16/05/2020
AdverseEventAction Taken NVARCHAR Intervention by provider in response to the adverse event Drug Withdrawn | Dose Increased | Does reduced | Dose not Changed
AdverseEventClinicalOutcome NVARCHAR Outcome of the adverse event Recovering | Recovered | Requires Hospitalization | Congenital Anomaly
AdverseEventIsPregnant BIT Pregnancy status at time of adverse Event 0- Not Pregnant at time of adverse event, 1-Pregnant at time of adverse event , Null -not documented
AdverseEventCause NVARCHAR Drug causing the adverse event DTG , EFV
AdverseEventRegimen NVARCHAR Regimen Patient is on during the event TDF+3TC+DTG | TDF + 3TC + EFV


viii) Patient Baselines

Column/Variable Name DataType Required Description Examples
PatientPK INT Mandatory EMR Internal System generated Unique Patient Identifier 34
SiteCode INT Mandatory Facility MFL Code 13023
PatientID NVARCHAR Mandatory Patient CCC Number 1302500001
FacilityID INT Code for satellite facilities. If Site is not a satellite, this value should be equal to SiteCode 13025
EMR NVARCHAR The EMR that captured the patient record IQCare/ KenyaEMR/ OPENMRS/ AMRS
Project NVARCHAR The Project that Implemented the EMR(e.g HMIS,CRISSP, KARP) HMIS/AMPATH/ EDARP
bCD4 INT CD4 that was taken prior to ART Start 365
bCD4Date DATETIME2 CD4 Date at ART Initiation 23/08/2013
bWAB INT WAB Stage that was at ART initiation
bWABDate DATETIME2 WAB stage Date at ART Initiation
bWHO INT WHO Stage at ART Initiation 1, 2, 3, 4
bWHODate DATETIME2 WHO date at ART Initiation 23/08/2013
eWAB INT WAB Stage that was taken at enrollment
eWABDate DATETIME2 WAB Date at enrollment
eCD4 INT Enrollment CD4 365
eCD4Date DATETIME2 Enrollment CD4 DATE 29/01/2012
eWHO INT Enrollment WHO 1, 2, 3, 4
eWHODate DATETIME2 Enrollment WHO DATE 29/01/2012
lastWHO INT Last taken WHO stage 1, 2, 3, 4
lastWHODate DATETIME2 Date last WHODate Taken 23/08/2013
lastCD4 INT Last CD4 Taken 365
lastCD4Date DATETIME2 Last Date CD4 Taken 29/01/2020
lastWAB INT last taken WAB Stage
lastWABDate DATETIME2 Date Last WAB stage was taken
m12CD4 INT CD4 Count 12 Months after Initiation +/- 1 month 365
m12CD4Date DATETIME2 Date of the CD4 record 29/01/2012
m6CD4 INT CD4 count 6 months after Initiation +/- 1
m6CD4Date DATETIME2 Date of the CD4 count at 6 Months


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