DWAPI – Master Patient Index (MPI) Tables

Master Patient Index:

Data is transferred to CBS Central Database tables

i) Master Patient Indices


Column/Variable Name DataType Required Description Examples
Id uniqueidentifier Mandatory
PatientPk INT Mandatory EMR Internal System generated Unique Patient Identifier 34
SiteCode INT Mandatory Facility MFL code 13023
FacilityName NVARCHAR Facility Name as documented in Kenya Master Facility list (KMFL) Kenyatta National Hospital
Serial NVARCHAR Client identifier issued at HTS(System or provider issued)
FirstName NVARCHAR First Name of the client D’Angelo
MiddleName NVARCHAR Middle Name of the client Murang’a
LastName NVARCHAR Surname of the client cũcũ
FirstName_Normalized NVARCHAR First Name stripped off stripped of leading and trailing spaces, comma and any special characters DAngelo
MiddleName_Normalized NVARCHAR Middle Name stripped off stripped of leading and trailing spaces, comma and any special characters Muranga
LastName_Normalized NVARCHAR Surname stripped off stripped of leading and trailing spaces, comma and any special characters cucu
PatientPhoneNumber NVARCHAR Phone number of the client
PatientAlternatePhoneNumber NVARCHAR Alternate phone number of the client
Gender NVARCHAR gender of the patient identified as F/M
DOB DATETIME2 Date of bith of the client DDMMYYYY 24-06-87
MaritalStatus NVARCHAR Marital Status of the client Married Monogamous/ Married Polygamous/ Separated/Divorced/Single
PatientSource NVARCHAR client Entry Point VCT/OPD/IPD/MCH/PMTCT
PatientCounty NVARCHAR client’s Resident County Nairobi/ Kisumu/ Uasin Gishu/ Mandera
PatientSubCounty NVARCHAR client’s Resident Sub-County Ainamoi
PatientVillage NVARCHAR client’s village Wamunyu
PatientID NVARCHAR Patient identifier in the EMR 1302500001
National_ID NVARCHAR National Identity number 10245678
NHIF_Number NVARCHAR National Health Insuarance Number 2645678
Birth_Certificate NVARCHAR client’s birth certificate number
CCC_Number NVARCHAR CCC Enrollment number 1302500001
TB_Number NVARCHAR TB Enrollment number
ContactName NVARCHAR Contact Name of a caregiver/treatment buddy Obrien Mwende
ContactRelation NVARCHAR Contact relationship Friend
ContactPhoneNumber NVARCHAR Contact’s phone number Sister/Son/Friend/Husband/Inlaw
ContactAddress NVARCHAR Contact’s address
DateConfirmedHIVPositive DATETIME2 Date when the patient was confirmed HIV Positive 13/12/2010
StartARTDate DATETIME2 Date Patient was initiated/started on ARVs. If Ti, this should be equal to Previous ART Start Date 18/10/2015
StartARTRegimenCode NVARCHAR First ARV Regimen a patient was started on at this facility D4T+3TC+NVP | TDF+3TC+ATV/r
StartARTRegimenDesc NVARCHAR Regimen line for first ART regimen a patient was started on FirstLine, SecondLine, ThirdLine
dmFirstName NVARCHAR Double metaphone of the First Name. Generated using algorithm given e.g Mary= MR
dmLastName NVARCHAR Double metaphone of the Last Name Generated using algorithm given e.g Atieno= ATN
sxFirstName NVARCHAR Soundex of the First Name. Generated using algorithm given e.g Mary = A520
sxLastName NVARCHAR Soundex of the Last Name. Generated using algorithm given e.g Atieno= A350
sxPKValue NVARCHAR Concatenation of Gender, FirstName,sxFirstName,sxLast Name,and Year of Birth e.g FF420A2521987
dmPKValue NVARCHAR Concatenation of Gender, Firs Name,dmFirstName,dmLastName and Year of birth
sxdmPKValue NVARCHAR Concatenation of Gender, sxFirstName,dmLastName and Year of birth
sxMiddleName NVARCHAR Soundex of the Middle Name
dmMiddleName NVARCHAR Double metaphone of the Middle Name
sxPKValueDoB NVARCHAR Concatenation of Gender,sxFirstName,SxLastName and Year,Month and Date of birth
dmPKValueDoB NVARCHAR Concatenation ogf Gender,dmFirstName,dmLastName, Year, Month and Date of birth
sxdmPKValueDoB NVARCHAR Patient Key Value. Is a Concatenation of Gender,sxFirstName,dmFirstName, Year, Month an Date of birth
JaroWinklerScore FLOAT Computed using algorithm given. Uses the Patient Key Value to compute a matching score against other PKV and generate a list of possible duplicates. The score isused to set a threshold for automated/manual merging of patient records



Data is transferred to DWAPI SPOT tables


i) Dwapi SPOT tables

DWAPISpot dbo __EFMigrationsHistory BASE TABLE
DWAPISpot dbo Partners BASE TABLE
DWAPISpot HangFire Schema BASE TABLE
DWAPISpot HangFire JobParameter BASE TABLE
DWAPISpot HangFire JobQueue BASE TABLE
DWAPISpot HangFire Server BASE TABLE
DWAPISpot HangFire Counter BASE TABLE
DWAPISpot HangFire AggregatedCounter BASE TABLE


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