Master Patient Index:
Data is transferred to CBS Central Database tables
i) Master Patient Indices
Column/Variable Name | DataType | Required | Description | Examples |
Id uniqueidentifier | Mandatory | |||
PatientPk | INT | Mandatory | EMR Internal System generated Unique Patient Identifier | 34 |
SiteCode | INT | Mandatory | Facility MFL code | 13023 |
FacilityName | NVARCHAR | Facility Name as documented in Kenya Master Facility list (KMFL) | Kenyatta National Hospital | |
Serial | NVARCHAR | Client identifier issued at HTS(System or provider issued) | ||
FirstName | NVARCHAR | First Name of the client | D’Angelo | |
MiddleName | NVARCHAR | Middle Name of the client | Murang’a | |
LastName | NVARCHAR | Surname of the client | cũcũ | |
FirstName_Normalized | NVARCHAR | First Name stripped off stripped of leading and trailing spaces, comma and any special characters | DAngelo | |
MiddleName_Normalized | NVARCHAR | Middle Name stripped off stripped of leading and trailing spaces, comma and any special characters | Muranga | |
LastName_Normalized | NVARCHAR | Surname stripped off stripped of leading and trailing spaces, comma and any special characters | cucu | |
PatientPhoneNumber | NVARCHAR | Phone number of the client | ||
PatientAlternatePhoneNumber | NVARCHAR | Alternate phone number of the client | ||
Gender | NVARCHAR | gender of the patient identified as | F/M | |
DOB | DATETIME2 | Date of bith of the client DDMMYYYY | 24-06-87 | |
MaritalStatus | NVARCHAR | Marital Status of the client | Married Monogamous/ Married Polygamous/ Separated/Divorced/Single | |
PatientSource | NVARCHAR | client Entry Point | VCT/OPD/IPD/MCH/PMTCT | |
PatientCounty | NVARCHAR | client’s Resident County | Nairobi/ Kisumu/ Uasin Gishu/ Mandera | |
PatientSubCounty | NVARCHAR | client’s Resident Sub-County | Ainamoi | |
PatientVillage | NVARCHAR | client’s village | Wamunyu | |
PatientID | NVARCHAR | Patient identifier in the EMR | 1302500001 | |
National_ID | NVARCHAR | National Identity number | 10245678 | |
NHIF_Number | NVARCHAR | National Health Insuarance Number | 2645678 | |
Birth_Certificate | NVARCHAR | client’s birth certificate number | ||
CCC_Number | NVARCHAR | CCC Enrollment number | 1302500001 | |
TB_Number | NVARCHAR | TB Enrollment number | ||
ContactName | NVARCHAR | Contact Name of a caregiver/treatment buddy | Obrien Mwende | |
ContactRelation | NVARCHAR | Contact relationship | Friend | |
ContactPhoneNumber | NVARCHAR | Contact’s phone number | Sister/Son/Friend/Husband/Inlaw | |
ContactAddress | NVARCHAR | Contact’s address | ||
DateConfirmedHIVPositive | DATETIME2 | Date when the patient was confirmed HIV Positive | 13/12/2010 | |
StartARTDate | DATETIME2 | Date Patient was initiated/started on ARVs. If Ti, this should be equal to Previous ART Start Date | 18/10/2015 | |
StartARTRegimenCode | NVARCHAR | First ARV Regimen a patient was started on at this facility | D4T+3TC+NVP | TDF+3TC+ATV/r | |
StartARTRegimenDesc | NVARCHAR | Regimen line for first ART regimen a patient was started on | FirstLine, SecondLine, ThirdLine | |
dmFirstName | NVARCHAR | Double metaphone of the First Name. Generated using algorithm given | e.g Mary= MR | |
dmLastName | NVARCHAR | Double metaphone of the Last Name Generated using algorithm given | e.g Atieno= ATN | |
sxFirstName | NVARCHAR | Soundex of the First Name. Generated using algorithm given | e.g Mary = A520 | |
sxLastName | NVARCHAR | Soundex of the Last Name. Generated using algorithm given | e.g Atieno= A350 | |
sxPKValue | NVARCHAR | Concatenation of Gender, FirstName,sxFirstName,sxLast Name,and Year of Birth | e.g FF420A2521987 | |
dmPKValue | NVARCHAR | Concatenation of Gender, Firs Name,dmFirstName,dmLastName and Year of birth | ||
sxdmPKValue | NVARCHAR | Concatenation of Gender, sxFirstName,dmLastName and Year of birth | ||
sxMiddleName | NVARCHAR | Soundex of the Middle Name | ||
dmMiddleName | NVARCHAR | Double metaphone of the Middle Name | ||
sxPKValueDoB | NVARCHAR | Concatenation of Gender,sxFirstName,SxLastName and Year,Month and Date of birth | ||
dmPKValueDoB | NVARCHAR | Concatenation ogf Gender,dmFirstName,dmLastName, Year, Month and Date of birth | ||
sxdmPKValueDoB | NVARCHAR | Patient Key Value. Is a Concatenation of Gender,sxFirstName,dmFirstName, Year, Month an Date of birth | ||
JaroWinklerScore | FLOAT | Computed using algorithm given. Uses the Patient Key Value to compute a matching score against other PKV and generate a list of possible duplicates. The score isused to set a threshold for automated/manual merging of patient records |
Data is transferred to DWAPI SPOT tables
i) Dwapi SPOT tables
DWAPISpot | dbo | __EFMigrationsHistory | BASE TABLE |
DWAPISpot | dbo | Partners | BASE TABLE |
DWAPISpot | HangFire | Schema | BASE TABLE |
DWAPISpot | HangFire | Job | BASE TABLE |
DWAPISpot | HangFire | State | BASE TABLE |
DWAPISpot | HangFire | JobParameter | BASE TABLE |
DWAPISpot | HangFire | JobQueue | BASE TABLE |
DWAPISpot | HangFire | Server | BASE TABLE |
DWAPISpot | HangFire | List | BASE TABLE |
DWAPISpot | HangFire | Set | BASE TABLE |
DWAPISpot | HangFire | Counter | BASE TABLE |
DWAPISpot | HangFire | Hash | BASE TABLE |
DWAPISpot | HangFire | AggregatedCounter | BASE TABLE |
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