Achieving deduplication

To achieving deduplication in the data warehouse patient matching starts at the facility level in the EMR and is strengthened in DWAPI as illustrated below;

Patient matching in DWAPI (At the facility level)

In the absence of a facility-based master patient index (MPIs) services, we developed a patient matching algorithm to support de-duplication of patient records at facility level and to prevent multiple registrations of the same client. DWAPI uses a combination of both deterministic and probabilistic matching of the patient demographics.

Summary of approaches to deduplication/Matching

  1. Soundex:

Applied on the first name (Assumption for English Names)

  1. Double metaphone:

Applied on the second name (Assumption for African Names)

  1. Output from 1 & 2:

Concatenated with gender and DoB to generate a PKV (Patient Key Value)

  1. Jaro-winkler (Probabilistic scoring):

Uses the Patient Key Value to compute a matching score against other PKV and generate a list of possible duplicates. The score is used to set a threshold for automated/manual merging of patient records

  1. Deterministic matching

Using other MPI variables to double check & verify the matches generated from the above approach

Preparing the MPI variables for matching:

The MPI data is prepared for parsing as follows:

Step 1: All names (patient Name and Nok Names) are normalized and stripped of leading and trailing spaces, comma, and any special characters

Step 2: All dates are converted to YYYY-MM-DD format

Step 3: Sex variable is mapped to M, F

After data is normalized and prepared for deduplication a Patient Key Variable (PKV) is created by:

  1. Prefix Sex of patient
  2. Concatenate with the Soundex values of FirstName
  3. Concatenating with the double Metaphone of the LastName
  4. Concatenate with the DOB in ISO format (YYYY-MM-DD)

The resulting PKV is <gender>soundex(firstname)dm(lastName)DoB.

The deduplication algorithm starts with a deterministic pass through the data as described as in the flow below;

  1. Deterministic Matching

Deterministic matching is carried out in two phases as outlined below.

Phase One: Matching CCC Numbers

  • Step 1: Group the data set on CCC Numbers to identify any duplicate CCC numbers. Assumption: CCC number is a Unique number for the HIV program.
  • Step 2: For each record found in a group, compare the Patient Key Variable (PKV) – the output of this PKV is stored in a database for purposes of faster querying of the duplicate records.
  • Step 3: If PKV matches, this is a duplicate record go to step 4 else go to step 5
  • Step 4: Merge the patient profile and delete one record (Log delete in Audit table with the reason for delete as “duplicate”)
  • Step 5: PKV does not match do anything to records.
  • Step 6: Move to next group – See step 2

Outcome: All duplicate CCC numbers that have 100% match on PKV are collapsed into one record and duplicate record is flagged.

Phase Two: Matching PKV

Assumptions: (1) Soundex algorithm detects spelling variations in names that sound the same.  (2) double metaphone algorithm detects spelling variations on African Names (3) Phase one flagged all possible CCC Number duplicates.

  • Step 1: Group the data set on PKV to find any duplicate PKV records.
  • Step 2: For each record found in a group compare the patient-telephone-numbers. If matched, go to 3 else go to 4
  • Step 3: For matches flag as possible duplicate, Generate Patient UPI Key and link the UPI key and CCC Numbers in the Patient Program Numbers Go to 7
  • Step 4: If not matched, compare Patient-NOK-telephone-Numbers, if matched go to 3 else go to 5
  • Step 5: If NOK details not matched, compare Patient Start ART Date & Regimens details if matched go to 3 else go to 6
  • Step 6: If not matched, flag record for probabilistic matching using a different algorithms such as Jaro-Winkler.
  • Step 7: Move to next group – See step 2
  1. Probabilistic Matching

For probabilistic matching, the project uses the PKV and applies the Jaro-Winkler distance algorithm to detect possible duplicate patients. A threshold of 0.96 based is applied currently.  For records identified as possible matches they are then applied to the algorithm below:

  • Step 1: Group data by PKV values and Jaro-winkler score.
  • Step 2: For each record found in a group compare the patient-telephone-numbers. If matched, go to 3 else go to 4
  • Step 3: For matches flag as possible duplicate, Generate Patient UPI Key and link the UPI key and CCC Numbers in the Patient Program Numbers Go to 7
  • Step 4: If not matched, compare Patient-NOK-telephone-Numbers, if matched go to 3 else go to 5
  • Step 5: If NOK details not matched, compare Patient Start ART Date & Regimens details if matched go to 3 else go to 6
  • Step 7: Move to next group – See step 2

Note: Currently a facility sends data from 3 dockets HTS, C&T and MPI. Where all the 3 datasets exist the PKV value generated from the MPI docket is matched and appended to HTS Clients and Stg_Patients table.  Where data for MPI is missing the resulting PKV value is recorded as null. The MPI docket does not include PIIs

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