DWAPI tables are cartegorized as per the dockets. The following set of tables shall be for the HIV Testing and Prevention Docket.
HIV Testing services:
Data is transferred to HTS Central Database tables
i) HTS Clients
Column_Name | Data_Type | Mandatory | Description |
PatientPK (PK) | int | Yes | System Internal ID for HTS client |
FacilityId (UK) | |||
SiteCode | int | Yes | Facility MFL Code |
FacilityName | nvarchar | Name of Facility | |
Emr | nvarchar | Source of EMR (KenyaEMR | Ecare | AMRS) | |
Project | nvarchar | HIS Project (Kenyahmis, Ampath, Edarp) | |
HtsNumber | nvarchar | Client Identifier Issued at HTS (System / Provider) issued | |
DoB | datetime2 | Date of birth yyyy-mm-dd | |
Gender | nvarchar | Gender (Male,Female) | |
MaritalStatus | nvarchar | Marital Status of client (Married Monogamous/ Married Polygamous/ Separated/Divorced/Single) | |
PopulationType | nvarchar | Populaton Type (General Population, Key Population) | |
KeyPopulationType | nvarchar | Type of Key Pop (MSM,FSW,IDU etc) | |
PatientDisabled | nvarchar | Patient Disabled (Yes/No) | |
DisabilityType | nvarchar | Patient Disability Type (Deaf | Blind ) | |
County | nvarchar | Client home County | |
SubCounty | nvarchar | Client home sub county | |
Ward | nvarchar | Client home ward |
ii) HTS Clients Tests
Column_Name | Data_Type | Mandatory | Description |
FacilityName | nvarchar | Name of Facility | |
SiteCode | int | Yes | Facility MFL Code |
PatientPK (PK) | int | Yes | System Internal ID for HTS client |
HtsNumber | int | Client Identifier Issued at HTS (System / Provider) issued | |
Emr | nvarchar | Source EMR (KenyaEMR | Ecare | AMRS) | |
Project | nvarchar | HIS Project (Kenyahmis, Ampath, Edarp) | |
EncounterId | int | System Internal ID for Testing Encounter | |
TestDate | datetime2 | Date of Test | |
EverTestedForHiv | nvarchar | Indicates whether client has ever been tested before (Yes/No) | |
MonthsSinceLastTest | int | Number of months since the last test (If above = Yes) | |
ClientTestedAs | nvarchar | Whether client is tested as Individual or as a Couple (Individual or Couple) | |
EntryPoint | nvarchar | The service point where the test was done (VCT | OPD | STI Clinic) | |
TestStrategy | nvarchar | The testing strategy (Hospital Patient/Non Patient /Integrated VCT/Stand alone VCt/Home Based/Mobile Outreach) | |
TestResult1 | nvarchar | First Test Result for the encounter (Positive | Negative | Invalid) | |
TestResult2 | nvarchar | Second Test Result for the encounter (Positive | Negative | Invalid) | |
FinalTestResult | nvarchar | Final Test Result for the encounter (Positive | Negative | Inconclusive) | |
PatientGivenResult | nvarchar | Indicates whether test results were issued to the client (Yes/No) | |
TB Screening | nvarchar | TB Screening outcome (No Signs | Presumed TB | Not Done | on TB Treatment) | |
ClientSelfTested | nvarchar | Indicates whether a client has ever had a self test | |
CoupleDiscordant | nvarchar | If Client Tested as = Couple, this will indicate whether they were concordant or discordant | |
TestType | nvarchar | Type of test for this encounter (Initial/Repeat) | |
Consent | nvarchar | Indicates whether the client gave consent for testing (Yes/No) |
iii) HTS Test Kits
Column_Name | Data_Type | Mandatory | Description |
FacilityName | nvarchar | Name of Facility | |
SiteCode | int | YES | MFL Code |
PatientPK | int | YES | System Internal ID for HTS client |
HtsNumber | nvarchar | Client Identifier Issued at HTS (System / Provider) issued | |
Emr | nvarchar | Source EMR (KenyaEMR | Ecare | AMRS) | |
Project | nvarchar | HIS Project (Kenyahmis, Ampath, Edarp) | |
EncounterId | int | System Internal ID for Testing Encounter | |
TestKitName1 | nvarchar | FirstTest – Kit Name (Determine/First Response) | |
TestKitLotNumber1 | nvarchar | FirstTest – Kit Lot Number | |
TestKitExpiry1 | DateTime2 | FirstTest – Kit Expiry Date | |
TestResult1 | nvarchar | First Test Result for the encounter (Positive | Negative | Invalid) | |
TestKitName2 | nvarchar | Second Test – Kit Name (Determine/First Response) | |
TestKitLotNumber2 | nvarchar | Second Test – Kit Lot Number | |
TestKitExpiry2 | DateTime2 | Second Test – Kit Expiry Date | |
TestResult2 | nvarchar | Second Test Result for the encounter (Positive | Negative | Invalid) |
iv) HTS Clients Linkage
Column_Name | Data_Type | Mandatory | Description |
PatientPK (PK) | int | YES | System Internal ID for HTS client |
SiteCode | int | YES | MFL Code |
FacilityName | nvarchar | Name of Facility | |
Emr | nvarchar | Source EMR (KenyaEMR | Ecare | AMRS) | |
Project | nvarchar | HIS Project (Kenyahmis, Ampath, Edarp) | |
HtsNumber | nvarchar | Client Identifier Issued at HTS (System / Provider) issued | |
DatePrefferedToBeEnrolled | DateTime2 | Date Preferred to be enrolled | |
FacilityReferredTo | nvarchar | Facility Referred to | |
HandedOverTo | nvarchar | Name of person client handed over to | |
HandedOverToCadre | nvarchar | Cadre of person receiving the client | |
EnrolledFacilityName | nvarchar | Name of Facility where client is enrolled | |
ReferralDate | DateTime2 | Date when referral was done | |
DateEnrolled | DateTime2 | Date when client was enrolled into CCC | |
ReportedCCCNumber | nvarchar | Client CCC Number | |
ReportedStartARTDate | DateTime2 | Client Start ART Date | |
v) HTS Partner Notification Services
Column_Name | Data_Type | Mandatory | Description |
FacilityName | nvarchar | YES | Name of Facility |
SiteCode | int | YES | MFLCode |
PatientPK | int | YES | System Internal ID for Index client |
HtsNumber | nvarchar | Client Identifier Issued at HTS (System / Provider) issued | |
Emr | nvarchar | Source EMR (KenyaEMR | Ecare | AMRS) | |
Project | nvarchar | HIS Project (Kenyahmis, Ampath, Edarp) | |
PartnerPatientPk | INT | System issued identifier for partner – Issued once a client is “registered” in EMR for testing | |
PartnerPersonID | INT | System issued identifier for partner | |
Age | nvarchar | Age of the Partner/Contact | |
Sex | nvarchar | Gender of Partner/Contact (Male/Female) | |
RelationsipToIndexClient | nvarchar | Partner relationship to Index Client | |
ScreenedForIpv | nvarchar | Index screened for IPV against Partner (Yes/No) | |
IpvScreeningOutcome | nvarchar | IPV Screening Outcome (Physical | Emotional | Sexual | No IPV) | |
CurrentlyLivingWithIndexClient | nvarchar | If Index currently lives with the partner listed (Yes/No) | |
KnowledgeOfHivStatus | nvarchar | Index knowledge of Partner’s HIV Status (Yes/No) | |
PnsApproach | nvarchar | PNS Approach (Contact Referral | Dual Referral | Provider Referral | Passive Referral) | |
PnsConsent | nvarchar | Index consent for Partner listing | |
LinkedToCare | nvarchar | Partner Linked to HIV Care (Yes/No) | |
LinkDateLinkedToCare | DateTime2 | Date when Index was linked to care | |
CccNumber | nvarchar | Partner CCC Number | |
FacilityLinkedTo | nvarchar | Record the name of the facility where the contact is enrolled in care | |
Dob | DateTime2 | Partner’s DOB | |
DateElicited | DateTime2 | Date when Index listed the partner | |
MaritalStatus | nvarchar | Partner Marital Status |
vi) HTS Client Tracing
Column_Name | Data_Type | Mandatory | Description |
FacilityName | varchar | YES | NameofFacility |
SiteCode | int | YES | MFLCode |
PatientPK | int | YES | System Internal ID for HTS client |
HtsNumber | varchar | Client Identifier Issued at HTS (System / Provider) issued | |
Emr | varchar | Source EMR (KenyaEMR | Ecare | AMRS) | |
Project | varchar | HIS Project (Kenyahmis, Ampath, Edarp) | |
TracingType | varchar | Tracing Type (Phone or Physical) | |
TracingDate | Date | Date when Client was traced | |
TracingOutcome | varchar | Outcome of the tracing (Contacted and Linked | Contacted and Not Linked | Not Contacted) |
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